Your predecessor has paid his price for his inefficiency as also the Chief Minister of Maharashtra and his Deputy from NCP.Now you are kicked upstairs from Finance to Home though unwillingly. The NSG commandos and some Maharashtra constables have paid with their lives and wounds.But as a former Union Minister of personnel, you know how the bureaucracy functions.Does the BABUDOM IN YOUR MINISTRY has paid any price? I mean the secretary,Addl Secretary etc for their inefficient advise to your predecessor?
I heard your speech at the Lok Sabha while introducing the new bills and i found that the BABUDOM is taking you through the same beaten path. Why the name of TUKARAM OMBLE of DB marg police station(Mumbai) was missing from your reference when you mentioned names of Major Unnikrishnan of NSG and Mr.Karkare and others of Mumbai ATS?A chain mail is doing the round asking one simple question. If you shoot Gold at Olympics one will get 3 crores(He owns his own hi tech shooting range costing 2 crores inside his house!!) while if you get a bullet from Terrorist you get only 25 Lakhs(meaning widow of Mr.Karkare), and i add to that if one captures a terrorist ALIVE while taking 30 bullets on your body and also give your life for your colleagues and country you get ONLY 5LAKHS!! and then forward that mail.Here a lowly Maratha constable, a real man who is fit for Ashoka chakra class I and i hope you will not fail unless of course Raj Thackeray has to intervene on his behalf. We pay more to Rail accident victims than the constables who die in J&K,NORTHEAST,MANIPUR, and various other NAXAL INFESTED STATES.
Again i could see the hand of BABUDOM in the hurry with which 3 IL 76 planes are sanctioned for ARC, a veritable Kargil Coffin scam making use of the delay in launch of plane from Chandigarh. Are there enough pilots to fly the existing IL76 planes in ARC? Why AN 32 could not be launched immediately from Delhi or even a civil aircraft of Indian/Jet air etc accommodated the NSG commandos? With decentralization of NSG deployment , what was the need for IL76 especially three? The real need is that of helicopters at the new places of deployment as we manufacture them at HAL and also light bullet proof vests, night vision goggles (not the DRDO ones)which can really be used at night,light communication equipment,Kevlar coated uniform(the terrorists used phosphorous bombs) and many more standard dress for constables who face terrorists.
The raising of COBRA force of 1000 and equipping them to tackle naxalites is another bungle of BABUDOM. If they have to fight naxalites wearing bullet proof vests (which are so heavy that none wear them) or helmets which are so uncomfortable (again none wear them), then as Home Minister i hope you will look into this aspect of sanctioning of only 10 light special helmets for a force of 1000 !!(due to heavy costs of imports) but sanctioning 3aircrafts which can equip 1 lakh helmets!!!It is here i hope you will show your authority instead of being led on the garden path by BABUDOM OF IAS who get promotion for sacrificing their political masters!!!
a)ADDRESS PROOF b)IDENTITY PROOF are the two items which are required to be provided by everyone to get
1.Ration card (State Revenue office)
2.Driving license (State transport office)
3.SIM card (Private and public sector companies)
4.Voter identity card (state Revenue office)
5.Electricity bill in your name (State electricity and revenue office)
6.Katha of house in your name (state revenue office)
7.PAN card (Central Income tax office)
8.KYC letter for investing (investment companies)
9.passport issue and verification ( Central ministry of External affairs while verification is done by State police)
10.Bank account opening (bank managers on basis of the TWO items) and i do not know what other places these TWO ITEMS are required. But SIM CARDS, DRIVING LICENSE,PASSPORT etc are vital security related items. I do not want to get into the petty corruption involved in issue of these TWO ITEMS. A terrorist or enemy agent always makes use of the petty corruption to skip the Q and get the documents while genuine citizens suffer the corruption.Tiger Memon and his family got their passports issued in 4 hours flat(their files are still missing in External affairs ministry i understand). The problem comes as the issue of these documents are thought of as PREVENTION OF TERRORIST OFFENSES instead of DOCUMENTS WHICH WILL HELP IN INVESTIGATION. I am retired central government employee with Identity card issued by my department the cabinet secretariat.But address proof is required when i change residence from State Government revenue office which requires Katha transfer which is a major corruption item in every state. For renewal of my Driving license and also for passport verification i have to indulge in petty corruption for getting things done as katha transfer rate in Karnataka is rupees 30,000/ a big amount for a pensioner-But for voter PIC i have not bothered to do it because again due to Election Commission not following its own rules in changing old PIC to a new address. It SHOULD BE CHEAPER FOR OUR NATION TO HAVE UNIVERSAL IDENTITY CARD FOR EVERY CITIZEN WITH FINGER PRINTS AND IRIS IDENTIFICATION ALONG WITH PHOTOGRAPHS IN BOTH FRONT AND SIDE VIEW INSTEAD OF 3 IL 76 PLANES.My household helper has come from a neighboring village in tamilnadu and she wants to have a Mobile SIM but cannot get it in her name as her ration card is in her village address.This issue should be your priority and not sanctioning IL 76s if you do not want to go in the way of Mr.Shivraj patil who followed the BABUDOM.
TERRORISTS IN PRISON: When the Mumbai attack happened there was this chorus for POLICE REFORM which actually means is FREE my own POLICE BABUDOM from IAS BABUDOM. Sir, I want to ask you about TERRORISTS especially SUICIDE BOMBERS who are convicted and sentenced to death etc and placed in Prisons.They do not became saints in jail nor can they be reformed like ordinary criminals. THEY CONTINUE TO BE RUTHLESS KILLERS IN JAIL AS THEY WERE OUTSIDE WITHOUT ANY HUMANNESS. In Guantanamo Bay Khalid Shiekh has become Amir of jailed Terrorists and their endeavour is to escape or kill the jail staff by any method.Whether it is Afzal Guru or Bombay blast convicts, Coimbatore suicide bombers, Anjumann church bomb convicts etc, they continue to TERRORISE the jail staff, use petty corruption in jail or even kill as it happened in Coimbatore jail. We give bullet proof vests, AK47s to our commandos but what happens to prison staff? Normally the Prison is headed by a discarded mainline police officer who follows the petty BABUDOM OF PRISON ADMINISTRATION without any interest in jail administration or human rights of its inmates.
You will see that almost all the work of SECURITY INVOLVES THE STATES. One can say easily as the previous Home minister used to do that statistically there are less terrorist incidents than duringNDA regime, or how increased funding has gone to state police for modernisation of police etc. But one big sound and light show(as your congress media head said) just before next election will seal the fate ofUPA and may be even see its disintegration.
FIRE SERVICE personnel.Though they are state government employees,hope you will look into their uniform(whether it is Kevlar coated), whether they have also bullet proof vests and light helmets.
DEAR HOME MINISTER SIR it is your take to make an honest effort in giving Indian citizens SECURITY. It is here i hope you will think of giving pistols or other light arms to retired ARMY ,CRPF,BSF ETC ETC JAWANS who can act as first line of security when any high rise building / civilian targets like railway stations,hospitals, bazars are attacked.
Schizophrenia and clozapine.I am also interested in National Security issues and current affairs.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
When Americans elected Obama, they showed to the world that they are fed up of the policies pursued by President George Bush. In spite of Bush's failed policies in Afghanistan, Iraq :Obama could not have won the election but for the economic collapse engineered by Bush's CRONY CAPITALISTS from Femae , Fe west and Texan billionaires who control American capitalism. Obama won by a mere 4% margin and a swing of 2.1% would have given theMacain/Palin team a victory. But victory has put in place a President who believes in
human values and courageous enough to make his democratic opponents as members of his administration.He
has given a share of the pie to his opponents because he wants the team to pursue policies he wants to be
pursued by his team.
His team wants America to face up to the facts and carry out the following policy.
Obama's heart is still on the left. Moreover, his political interests argue for relegating to the trash bin of history a Bush-neocon policy of endless war until the Middle East resembles the Middle West. America cannot sustain the wars that Bush’s policy produced, nor those it promises.
To withdraw all U.S. combat brigades from Iraq within 16 months. Though the Status of Forces Agreement accepted by Iraq doubles the time Obama has to pull out, to December 2011, the American nation just want out
as soon as possible.
Whether Shia attack Sunni, or fight amongst themselves, or engage Kurds after this withdrawal is Iraq's problem.Americans just do not have the"Khaleeja" to continue.This is considered by alqueda as victory over the Americans and they are correct in this assumption though think tanks may disseminate otherwise along with American mainline media.
The consensus among American Seminarists and also UK is that victory over a resurgent Taliban with a sanctuary in Pakistan cannot be achieved without an infusion of significantly more troops. Germans,French,Koreans etc have no stomach to fight and are happy to be posted at peaceful northern Afghanistan and do drug trafficking with local drug lords. They are not willing to go to Kandahar or even Helmand to do the fighting.Escalating the war means more air strikes that have alienated the Afghan people as well as Saudi puppet President Kharzai. More Predator strikes into Pakistan will be used by ISI controlled media to whip up anti-Americanism and stage a coup when the time is ripe.What is the U.S. bottom line in Kabul for USA? Not the impossible dream of a democracy but a government committed to keeping al-Qaida out and protect their drug trade is what USA wants. Given the bloody war the Taliban have fought for seven years, they may be amenable to such an arrangement wherein they betray Alqueda with a cut in drugtrade is what UK/USA hope.
But we in India know this hope of America is a pipe dream.The running away from Iraq with a fig leaf offered by Maliki has whetted the appetite of the Alqueda fighters who are busily regrouping in Pakistan with help from LET which is given the subcontract by Pakistani army and Saudi arabia.ISI has been taken out of the loop and Pakistani GHQ has created a separate cell for this operation as the one created for Mumbai operation may be by Pakistani navy and closed down immediately.
3. IRAN.
Tehran claims its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, and the International Atomic Energy Agency has never declared it in violation of the non-proliferation treaty. Yet, the suspicion is broad and deep in Washington and Tel Aviv that Iran is hell-bent on building an atom bomb. Obama and Hillary have both said that they will not let it happen, no matter what it takes.
If war with Iran is to be averted, the new team must move swiftly to talk to Tehran and put its cards on the table. But Saudi Arabia and Pakistani army want the Americans to fight the war with Iran. Their covert army in Iran border called Junduallah has recently kidnapped 13 Iranian Frontier constabulary.They tortured them and killed them brutally just like the Jews of Nariman house in Mumbai. Iran may take revenge but US army is protecting that border a left over of Cheney policy.
If Likud’s “Bibi” Netanyahu supported by Saudis wins the Israeli election, he will push hard for U.S. air strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites, and push back against any Obama deal with Tehran. With the Israeli lobby and a Jewish community that gave Barack 80 percent of its votes, plus the neocons and Evangelical right calling for strikes against Iran’s nuclear sites, would the Obama-Clinton team stand united—against war? Would Hillary, a former senator from New York who relied even more heavily than Barack on Jewish contributions and votes, stand by Obama?Americans donot want this war but Saudies are forcing them with help from unwitting Ahmedijnad.
American retreat is real and it has to be first accepted by India. It desperately needs Allies especially to withstand the march of China and Russia and to a lesser extent Europe. It will not fight China to save Taiwan nor it will fight Pakistan or Saudi Arabia or China to save India. It is basically shown itself a wounded tiger and can get its prestige back by using Nukes only.That is the dilemma of American planners. It cannot fight a long drawn out conventional war anywhere especially Asia. Saudi Arabia and China know it as also Pakistan army and India also has to accept this fact. It leaves India with two hostile nuclear powers China and Pakistan on its border. We cannot even call Nepal as a friendly country as the recent defense cooperation agreement it has signed with China shows. China has signed defense deals with Myanmar and enforced a status quo between warring Myanmar and Bangladesh.Sri lanka,Bhutan also are wary of India and they also look to China for major support and the SriLankan Army chief's recent comment shows how our politicians are looked upon in our neighboring countries not only by our foreign office mandarins. Our response in Afghanistan should be one of active support toISAF by deploying our forces instead of wasting money on so called road building which gets blown up anyway. The bluff by Pakistan army which is covertly supported by Saudiarabia has to be called now instead of waiting for American withdrawal from Afghanistan.Ghawri,Babur,Ghazni ,Taimur and even Alexander all came through Khyber after crossing Hindukush to invade India because Indian rulers and population are perceived to be physically and mentally weak in fighting though large in numbers. A small determined cunning fighter always won over Indian rulers.
The recent attack in Mumbai is shown as one in which 10 guys could keep the elite OSCAR force of Indian Navy and later NSG commandos, what to talk of ATS of mumbai police at bay for 62 hours in full public view. A very successful covert as well as psychological operation from the view point of the perpetrators of the attack. AlreadyKarzai started talking about withdrawal of American forces ( he even talked about shooting down American planes!!!) just because one mistaken bombing by NATO which killed 40 civilians.He is talking because of Saudiarabia. The Mumbai attack is a warning message to Obama about his idea of the right war during his campaign. Basically this Mumbai attack is diverting his agenda from war in Afghanistan to one of solving Kashmir dispute (which is supposed to be the root cause of Pakistani terrorism!!!) by cleverly hiding the very facet of Islamic jihad which is enshrined in its holy book. We knewMusharaff was directing the Army during Kargil (in spite of Nawaz Sheriff being the elected civlian leader) but Zardari has much lower clout than Nawaz . Kiyani and GHQ are in the background doing all the dirty work while Zardari and Gillani face the international flak. Pakistani Army and ISI are portrayed as the pillars of Pakistani nation with clever media management. Pakistan Muslim league(Q) is the one which is controlling thePak media with Sherry rehman doing very good media management with the likes of Marvi memon,Shereen Mazari etc while it is Maleeha Lodhi who works on CIA's Bruce Reidel. Even Musharaff in London is playing his part there. His telling comment that if Pakistani army has continued their shadow boxing with Taliban inFATA, Pakistan would not hace faced international flak for Mumbai attack!!! The ONLY positive aspect of the whole Mumbai episode is that India will not TALK TO TERRORISTS OR HOSTAGE TAKERS even if that involves rich and powerful. This message has gone to even theZAKA force of Israel who are not very happy about it.
Iran is another area of immediate concern to us if we have to confront the Black goggled princes of Saudi arabia with American wives. Iran is signatory to NPT but its civilian nuclear programme of enrichment of Uranium is raising suspicion in America and Israel. Does we in india donot know something? Can civilian enrichment cycle be used for nukes covertly? Or it has something to do with Iran having some untapped uranium mines or Gas reserves which is known only to Americans.Americans only bother for human rights violations of Uranium rich countries like Myanmar,Zimbawe and Chad. For what ever reason it is in interest of India to play honest broker between Iran and Israel.Ignore America and concentrate on Iran/Israel relations. This should be our first priority. This can be achieved only if we purge our foreign office of moles working for American interests as their children are studying there.We require Foreign service personnel who think of INDIAN NATIONAL INTEREST ALONE.
With regard to China, we have to be very careful about how we deal with this emerging super power. It is our neighbour and has special relationship with Pakistan. Vietnam is our friend but we lost Northkorean friendship by not supporting its nukes due to Japan. China has effectively neutralised our common neighbours like Myanmar,Nepal,Bhutan. We have already given away our Tibet card due to Kashmir and dependency on Russian veto. The recent recession in America is going to affect China in a significant way than our elite IT people.Our stocks going down will not cause a riot.But significant Chinese population is dependent on exports to west for their daily bread and this global meltdown will affect them significantly and a small war with India in Arunachal will give them some respite . It is here we have to be very careful and deter adventurism on their part by enhancing our AIR FORCE PUNISHING CAPABILITIES along with our missiles. Pakistan is saying that it likes to be Israel of China!! It is stealing American top of the line weapon systems including helmets,night vision goggles,fighter aircraft systems,ECM systems etc and sending them to China for duplication and reverse engineering.The bullet proof vests ,night vision goggles worn by mumbai terrorists compare with the best on offer from NATO while our ATS,NSG etc where wearing very heavy vests and didnot have night fighting capability or confident of their night capability against the terrorists holed up after OSCAR force debriefing.
Afghanistan and pakhtoons.It is the only country which voted against the creation of Pakistan in UN in 1947.It is contemptuous of Durrand line.Pakistan dreads Afghanistan more than even India.Taliban is the only line of defence whether Americans like it or not.They will not be here in another 4 or 5 years.The recent burning of 160 trucks of NATO carryingHumvees and driving the captured Humvee should have shown the Americans that it is not a Jehadi operation but a special unit of privatised terrorists who are drawn from Pakistani armed forces.These units are disbanded once the operation like that of Mumbai is over to leave no trace. We are being bombarded with write ups by SEMINARISTS in pay of western endowments that it is in India's interest America wins in Afghanistan!!!Gulbudin Heketmayer, Haqqani brothers and even Karzai brothers were ISI assets. If Americans leave as in Iraq, it is the India friendly Northern alliance which will come to power after a civil war for which everyone is preparing.Americans areinterested only in the poppy trade. To protect it they will even fight the Pakistani army(so called major non/NATO ALLY) in North wazirstan and FATA which will suit India.
So UPA government should abolish Art 370. The Valley Kashmiries always wanted independence including the ruling Hindu monarchs. They will do the hartals as usual.They donot like democracy under Zardari. They will prefer Musharaff but he is not there.Anyhow they donot believe in democracy as jehadies everywhere.It is the uneducated ordinary Kashmiri who wants democracy as our poor in India.They have repeatedly shown their love for vote.We in India must face the consequences of this action as it will ensure our security in the long run. Our Air force and Navy should be on high alert as Pakistan can gain only by a surprise attack as in 1965 or 1971 and we must be ready for it.
Also just before our next Lok Sabha elections, there is going to be a terror strike(light and sound show as their media manager called it) whether Sonia Gandhi or UPA likes it or not.It is better to force the Pakistani army to show its hand now than in next year.Abolition of Art 370 will ensure that. Hanging convicted terrorist Afzal Guru can be a side show.
When Americans elected Obama, they showed to the world that they are fed up of the policies pursued by President George Bush. In spite of Bush's failed policies in Afghanistan, Iraq :Obama could not have won the election but for the economic collapse engineered by Bush's CRONY CAPITALISTS from Femae , Fe west and Texan billionaires who control American capitalism. Obama won by a mere 4% margin and a swing of 2.1% would have given theMacain/Palin team a victory. But victory has put in place a President who believes in
human values and courageous enough to make his democratic opponents as members of his administration.He
has given a share of the pie to his opponents because he wants the team to pursue policies he wants to be
pursued by his team.
His team wants America to face up to the facts and carry out the following policy.
Obama's heart is still on the left. Moreover, his political interests argue for relegating to the trash bin of history a Bush-neocon policy of endless war until the Middle East resembles the Middle West. America cannot sustain the wars that Bush’s policy produced, nor those it promises.
To withdraw all U.S. combat brigades from Iraq within 16 months. Though the Status of Forces Agreement accepted by Iraq doubles the time Obama has to pull out, to December 2011, the American nation just want out
as soon as possible.
Whether Shia attack Sunni, or fight amongst themselves, or engage Kurds after this withdrawal is Iraq's problem.Americans just do not have the"Khaleeja" to continue.This is considered by alqueda as victory over the Americans and they are correct in this assumption though think tanks may disseminate otherwise along with American mainline media.
The consensus among American Seminarists and also UK is that victory over a resurgent Taliban with a sanctuary in Pakistan cannot be achieved without an infusion of significantly more troops. Germans,French,Koreans etc have no stomach to fight and are happy to be posted at peaceful northern Afghanistan and do drug trafficking with local drug lords. They are not willing to go to Kandahar or even Helmand to do the fighting.Escalating the war means more air strikes that have alienated the Afghan people as well as Saudi puppet President Kharzai. More Predator strikes into Pakistan will be used by ISI controlled media to whip up anti-Americanism and stage a coup when the time is ripe.What is the U.S. bottom line in Kabul for USA? Not the impossible dream of a democracy but a government committed to keeping al-Qaida out and protect their drug trade is what USA wants. Given the bloody war the Taliban have fought for seven years, they may be amenable to such an arrangement wherein they betray Alqueda with a cut in drugtrade is what UK/USA hope.
But we in India know this hope of America is a pipe dream.The running away from Iraq with a fig leaf offered by Maliki has whetted the appetite of the Alqueda fighters who are busily regrouping in Pakistan with help from LET which is given the subcontract by Pakistani army and Saudi arabia.ISI has been taken out of the loop and Pakistani GHQ has created a separate cell for this operation as the one created for Mumbai operation may be by Pakistani navy and closed down immediately.
3. IRAN.
Tehran claims its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, and the International Atomic Energy Agency has never declared it in violation of the non-proliferation treaty. Yet, the suspicion is broad and deep in Washington and Tel Aviv that Iran is hell-bent on building an atom bomb. Obama and Hillary have both said that they will not let it happen, no matter what it takes.
If war with Iran is to be averted, the new team must move swiftly to talk to Tehran and put its cards on the table. But Saudi Arabia and Pakistani army want the Americans to fight the war with Iran. Their covert army in Iran border called Junduallah has recently kidnapped 13 Iranian Frontier constabulary.They tortured them and killed them brutally just like the Jews of Nariman house in Mumbai. Iran may take revenge but US army is protecting that border a left over of Cheney policy.
If Likud’s “Bibi” Netanyahu supported by Saudis wins the Israeli election, he will push hard for U.S. air strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites, and push back against any Obama deal with Tehran. With the Israeli lobby and a Jewish community that gave Barack 80 percent of its votes, plus the neocons and Evangelical right calling for strikes against Iran’s nuclear sites, would the Obama-Clinton team stand united—against war? Would Hillary, a former senator from New York who relied even more heavily than Barack on Jewish contributions and votes, stand by Obama?Americans donot want this war but Saudies are forcing them with help from unwitting Ahmedijnad.
American retreat is real and it has to be first accepted by India. It desperately needs Allies especially to withstand the march of China and Russia and to a lesser extent Europe. It will not fight China to save Taiwan nor it will fight Pakistan or Saudi Arabia or China to save India. It is basically shown itself a wounded tiger and can get its prestige back by using Nukes only.That is the dilemma of American planners. It cannot fight a long drawn out conventional war anywhere especially Asia. Saudi Arabia and China know it as also Pakistan army and India also has to accept this fact. It leaves India with two hostile nuclear powers China and Pakistan on its border. We cannot even call Nepal as a friendly country as the recent defense cooperation agreement it has signed with China shows. China has signed defense deals with Myanmar and enforced a status quo between warring Myanmar and Bangladesh.Sri lanka,Bhutan also are wary of India and they also look to China for major support and the SriLankan Army chief's recent comment shows how our politicians are looked upon in our neighboring countries not only by our foreign office mandarins. Our response in Afghanistan should be one of active support toISAF by deploying our forces instead of wasting money on so called road building which gets blown up anyway. The bluff by Pakistan army which is covertly supported by Saudiarabia has to be called now instead of waiting for American withdrawal from Afghanistan.Ghawri,Babur,Ghazni ,Taimur and even Alexander all came through Khyber after crossing Hindukush to invade India because Indian rulers and population are perceived to be physically and mentally weak in fighting though large in numbers. A small determined cunning fighter always won over Indian rulers.
The recent attack in Mumbai is shown as one in which 10 guys could keep the elite OSCAR force of Indian Navy and later NSG commandos, what to talk of ATS of mumbai police at bay for 62 hours in full public view. A very successful covert as well as psychological operation from the view point of the perpetrators of the attack. AlreadyKarzai started talking about withdrawal of American forces ( he even talked about shooting down American planes!!!) just because one mistaken bombing by NATO which killed 40 civilians.He is talking because of Saudiarabia. The Mumbai attack is a warning message to Obama about his idea of the right war during his campaign. Basically this Mumbai attack is diverting his agenda from war in Afghanistan to one of solving Kashmir dispute (which is supposed to be the root cause of Pakistani terrorism!!!) by cleverly hiding the very facet of Islamic jihad which is enshrined in its holy book. We knewMusharaff was directing the Army during Kargil (in spite of Nawaz Sheriff being the elected civlian leader) but Zardari has much lower clout than Nawaz . Kiyani and GHQ are in the background doing all the dirty work while Zardari and Gillani face the international flak. Pakistani Army and ISI are portrayed as the pillars of Pakistani nation with clever media management. Pakistan Muslim league(Q) is the one which is controlling thePak media with Sherry rehman doing very good media management with the likes of Marvi memon,Shereen Mazari etc while it is Maleeha Lodhi who works on CIA's Bruce Reidel. Even Musharaff in London is playing his part there. His telling comment that if Pakistani army has continued their shadow boxing with Taliban inFATA, Pakistan would not hace faced international flak for Mumbai attack!!! The ONLY positive aspect of the whole Mumbai episode is that India will not TALK TO TERRORISTS OR HOSTAGE TAKERS even if that involves rich and powerful. This message has gone to even theZAKA force of Israel who are not very happy about it.
Iran is another area of immediate concern to us if we have to confront the Black goggled princes of Saudi arabia with American wives. Iran is signatory to NPT but its civilian nuclear programme of enrichment of Uranium is raising suspicion in America and Israel. Does we in india donot know something? Can civilian enrichment cycle be used for nukes covertly? Or it has something to do with Iran having some untapped uranium mines or Gas reserves which is known only to Americans.Americans only bother for human rights violations of Uranium rich countries like Myanmar,Zimbawe and Chad. For what ever reason it is in interest of India to play honest broker between Iran and Israel.Ignore America and concentrate on Iran/Israel relations. This should be our first priority. This can be achieved only if we purge our foreign office of moles working for American interests as their children are studying there.We require Foreign service personnel who think of INDIAN NATIONAL INTEREST ALONE.
With regard to China, we have to be very careful about how we deal with this emerging super power. It is our neighbour and has special relationship with Pakistan. Vietnam is our friend but we lost Northkorean friendship by not supporting its nukes due to Japan. China has effectively neutralised our common neighbours like Myanmar,Nepal,Bhutan. We have already given away our Tibet card due to Kashmir and dependency on Russian veto. The recent recession in America is going to affect China in a significant way than our elite IT people.Our stocks going down will not cause a riot.But significant Chinese population is dependent on exports to west for their daily bread and this global meltdown will affect them significantly and a small war with India in Arunachal will give them some respite . It is here we have to be very careful and deter adventurism on their part by enhancing our AIR FORCE PUNISHING CAPABILITIES along with our missiles. Pakistan is saying that it likes to be Israel of China!! It is stealing American top of the line weapon systems including helmets,night vision goggles,fighter aircraft systems,ECM systems etc and sending them to China for duplication and reverse engineering.The bullet proof vests ,night vision goggles worn by mumbai terrorists compare with the best on offer from NATO while our ATS,NSG etc where wearing very heavy vests and didnot have night fighting capability or confident of their night capability against the terrorists holed up after OSCAR force debriefing.
Afghanistan and pakhtoons.It is the only country which voted against the creation of Pakistan in UN in 1947.It is contemptuous of Durrand line.Pakistan dreads Afghanistan more than even India.Taliban is the only line of defence whether Americans like it or not.They will not be here in another 4 or 5 years.The recent burning of 160 trucks of NATO carryingHumvees and driving the captured Humvee should have shown the Americans that it is not a Jehadi operation but a special unit of privatised terrorists who are drawn from Pakistani armed forces.These units are disbanded once the operation like that of Mumbai is over to leave no trace. We are being bombarded with write ups by SEMINARISTS in pay of western endowments that it is in India's interest America wins in Afghanistan!!!Gulbudin Heketmayer, Haqqani brothers and even Karzai brothers were ISI assets. If Americans leave as in Iraq, it is the India friendly Northern alliance which will come to power after a civil war for which everyone is preparing.Americans areinterested only in the poppy trade. To protect it they will even fight the Pakistani army(so called major non/NATO ALLY) in North wazirstan and FATA which will suit India.
So UPA government should abolish Art 370. The Valley Kashmiries always wanted independence including the ruling Hindu monarchs. They will do the hartals as usual.They donot like democracy under Zardari. They will prefer Musharaff but he is not there.Anyhow they donot believe in democracy as jehadies everywhere.It is the uneducated ordinary Kashmiri who wants democracy as our poor in India.They have repeatedly shown their love for vote.We in India must face the consequences of this action as it will ensure our security in the long run. Our Air force and Navy should be on high alert as Pakistan can gain only by a surprise attack as in 1965 or 1971 and we must be ready for it.
Also just before our next Lok Sabha elections, there is going to be a terror strike(light and sound show as their media manager called it) whether Sonia Gandhi or UPA likes it or not.It is better to force the Pakistani army to show its hand now than in next year.Abolition of Art 370 will ensure that. Hanging convicted terrorist Afzal Guru can be a side show.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The above single street dog in front of Terrorist taken over Taj hotel shows that our street dogs do not FEAR terrorism and also have loyalty to Taj.
He is any day better than our politicians who will not move without security cover, black cat commandos or SPG cover.Z-plus,Z,Y-plus,y the list of cover is endless.
But i will welcome this lonely loyal street dog in my home than any politician.
Do you agree?
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